

Nordex is covered by various sell-side analysts. The following table provides an overview:

Date Broker Analyst Target price Recommendation
05/21/2024 Santander Virginia Sanz de Madrid 20.00 Buy
05/16/2024 Citigroup Vivek Midha 17.50 Buy
05/15/2024 Goldman Sachs Ajay Patel * *
05/15/2024 Kepler Cheuvreux William Mackie 15.00 Hold
05/15/2024 BofA Securities (Bank of America) Benjamin Heelan 18.30 Buy
05/15/2024 AlphaValue Kulwinder Rajpal 14.60 Sell
05/14/2024 ODDO BHF Anis Zgaya 18.00 Buy
04/19/2024 Deutsche Bank John Kim 17.00 Buy
04/11/2024 Metzler Guido Hoymann 14.90 Buy
03/05/2024 HSBC Sean McLoughlin 15.00 Buy
03/04/2024 Jefferies Constantin Hesse 19.00 Buy
03/01/2024 Exane BNP Paribas Sebastian Growe 15.00 Buy
11/17/2023 Montega Christian Bruns 13.00 Buy
11/14/2023 mwb research Leon Mühlenbruch 22.00 Buy
*Please contact broker for details

Note: Nordex SE does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information on this website. The recommendations and price targets shown in the table represent solely the opinions of the respective analysts. These are in no way opinions, estimates or forecasts of Nordex SE. The information on this website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell shares in Nordex SE. Any liability of Nordex SE for damages caused to third parties incurred by information contained on this website is excluded.

Nordex consensus

  2024 2025
Revenues (EUR m) 7,380 7,835
EBITDA (EUR m) 271 480
EBITDA margin 3.7% 6.1%
Consensus consists of 14 estimates / 25th June 2024    

Disclaimer: This document had been issued by Nordex SE for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Nordex SE gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible to its accuracy and completeness.

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